Moles And Skin Cancer Screening At Mole Check Clinic.

When it is related to your health and skin, it is better to be proactive and keep an eye out for risky moles. Moles can be linked to skin cancer. This is true if there is a family history of skin cancer linked to moles. Besides limiting your exposure to the sun and using sunscreens, checking yourself for moles can help with early detection of Melanoma and its treatment so get your Moles checked at Sundoctors, a mole check clinic. 

Skin Cancer Screening Schedule 

New moles have developed, or any relative has a history of Melanoma, you should check your body every month. Most moles are not cancerous. The moles that require great medical attention are those that look different from other moles or those that appeared first in adulthood. 

If you find changes in the color and appearance of a mole, you should visit a Dermatologist to evaluate it. You should also get the moles checked if they itch, bleed, appear scaly, ooze or become painful or tender. 

What To Look For When Examining The Moles? 

You should examine your skin in front of a mirror. Pay proper attention to the areas that are often exposed to the sun like the arms, hands, head, and chest. 

The ABCDE’s are important signs of moles that can be cancerous. If a mole shows any of such signs mentioned below, get it checked by a dermatologist. 

  •     Asymmetry – one-half of the mole doesn’t match the next half.
  •     Border- the edges or border of the moles are blurred, ragged or irregular.
  •     Colour- the mole has different colors or has shades of Brown, tan, blue, black, red, or white.
  •     Diameter – the mole diameter is larger than the eraser of a pencil.
  •     Evolving – the mole looks different from others or changes in shape, color, size. 

Remember that some melanomas may be small or not fit other features. You should always be doubtful of a new mole. If you see a new mole visit your Dermatologist as early as possible. They will check the mole and suggest a biopsy. If it is skin cancer, a biopsy shows how deep it has penetrated the skin. The Dermatologist requires this information to provide the treatment for the mole. The most common location for Melanoma in women is the lower leg and in men is the back.


Keep the below-mentioned tips in mind when screening your mole for skin cancer

  •     You should use a full-length mirror. Start from your head and go down looking at all the areas of the body. Also check the areas between your fingers and toes, the soles of your feet, the groin, and the back of the knees. Do not forget to check your scalp and neck thoroughly for moles. Use a handheld mirror or ask someone else to help you look at such areas.
  •     Keep track of all the moles on your body and what they look like. Take a pic and date it to help you monitor them. This will help you to know if there is any change in the moles. If they change in any way like shape, border, size or color, etc, or show other ABCDE features, visit your doctor. Also if there are any new moles that you think are suspicious Then visit your doctor.

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